Saturday, September 7, 2013

How minecraft commands REALLY work.

Well, for starters, when you type in "/help" in the command thingy, and it says stuff like: "/defaultgamemode <mode>", it's not acctually how you have to type it in, and you can't just say: "survival," or "creative", no. You have to put in s, c, or a. For survival, creative and adventure. And also, you DO NOT put in the < and > part. So yeah, and also if your wondering what adventure mode is, it's basically just survival, only you can't dig up dirt with your hands, or punch down trees with them, you HAVE TO have tools. Anyways, I sure hope this was helpful to all of you minecrafters out there! Oh! And if you want to see ALL codes in minecraft, go to The minecraft wiki commands site.